Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Leafy Contradiction

Hey Everyone.
Today I went to the aquarium to look for a hose/tubing that will go from my pump to the tank. It's the last piece I needed in order to finish my overflow trickle filter. All I have to do now is attach the check valve and its pretty much finished. I am hoping to finish it this week. While I was at the aquarium I found a few fake plants. Some are the fabric type of plants (which I prefer) and some are plastic. The fabric plants were originally $20 but because they were broken I got them for 50% off. They still work fine though. The only broken part was that three groups of leafy plants were attached with cement at the base and the base was broken apart, leaving one leafy group apart from the other two. I think its much better though because I got to put the plant in two different locations. The other type of plant I got were plastic. I usually hate plastic plants because they look really fake and cheesy but I think you wont really be able to tell if the plants were hidden near the back of the tank. I also got these for 50% off. I Love the fake plants in the tank now. The fake plants make the tank look so lively! It's contradicting but it works. haha.
Today I decided to let the turtles have some variety in their diet. I threw in a pinch of the ciclid food, turtle food, koi food, and bottom feeding food. The turtles ate every single one of them. I read that when feeding turtles it is nice to have variety. The turtles did seem to enjoy it very much. They swam around and got every single piece. They are usually shy eating in front of me but are warming up to me quickly. I try to drop the food in the tank when both of them are watching so they know that I am the one giving them the food and to not fear me.
(picture on the left is the female turtle. She's very camera shy so its always really hard to get a nice picture of her so here's the first decent one) The tank is starting to clear up nicely. I think just a few more days and it will be crystal clear. I am trying to think of a method of clearing up the tank faster but honestly I think patience is key. I went to get more fishes today. I said I wanted ciclids but I decided to wait. I am thinking twice about getting them because I don't want them chomping on my cory catfishes. The ciclid gets very large as well and I just don't think I want such a large fish in the tank. I am thinking about getting some neon tetras or guppies instead. I think I will wait a month before adding fishes. I want the water to clear up and I want to make sure the tank is cycled before adding more expensive fishes. I am just very grateful that my $5/each corys are still alive. The minnows I do not really care for since they were 15cent each and they are just food for the turtles.

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