Sunday, May 5, 2013

I Anger Myself

Today I started building my PVC Over-flow part of my filter but I only bought the PVC and the PVC connectors so I can't make the DIY post yet. Once I get the other pieces I will make a post on how to make a PVC over-flow.
Today I really made myself angry. The cloudy water finally started clearing up (it took 3 days to clear up) but for some reason I wasn't 100% happy with the arrangement of the wood in my tank so I took all the wood out and started moving the sand around. This caused the whole tank to become cloudy again so I can not see inside the tank and can not see where I am placing the wood. So now I am feeling worse about the
arrangement of the wood than I did before. Sometimes I feel like just taking all the water out and putting fresh water inside but that is not a good idea since 100% fresh water may kill your fishes. So I will be patient and let the water settle again and in a week I will do a partial water change. Hopefully this will dilute the water a little since it is stained tan from the wood.
(picture: Male on the left. Female on the right)
I pretty much give up tonight. I will let the water settle before doing more to the tank since I can't see a damn thing. So, sadly, I do not have any new pictures to post since I can not see inside the tank but I will post pictures of the turtles when I first unboxed them.
(picture: Female on the left. Male on the right)

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